does anywhere use loadbalancer in his OpenLDAP setup?
I have two locations (data center). In each location I want install a OpenLDAP server who replicate with the other (MM N-Way) Then I want install a few (depends on the load) OpenLDAP ro replicas (replicate from the local OpenLDAP).
- In the location are setup loadbalancers who are asked from the local clients. - The loadbalancer direct the searches to the local ro replicas and writes/modifies to the local "rw Master". - Only if all local ro resources are down or have a long response time, the loadbalancer redirects the searches to the remote ro replicas. - Same way with write access, if local rw master is down, write/modify access is redirect to the remote rw master.
Is this a possible setup? What are the experiences with such setups, can you share them? Are there snares? I saw one example in the admin guide, but it shows 4 loadbalancers. Thats to much for my budget.
Thanks for help, Meike