hello Quanah,
Quanah Gibson-Mount quanah@fast-mail.org writes:
What could be the problem with (1)?
I would say generally the problem is not understanding that different databases in slapd can have different privilege separations. Also there's no one rule to how a system is configured. You have to understand how your *specific* instance is configured, some random HOWTO (generally I call them HOW NOT TO) on the internet is not going to know your specific configuration.
many thanks for the reply! I managed to create the OU now :-) The password policy is not enforced though. I am currently trying to understand [1] [2]. I might send a second post (if I don't get it), because it does not seem to be related.
[1] https://www.openldap.org/doc/admin25/guide.html#Password%20Policies [2] ppolicy_hash_cleartext
Many Thanks and Best Regards, Felix -- Felix Natter