On 6/29/22 08:24, Jeffrey Walton wrote:
Microsoft AD requires a forward slash ('/') be escaped with "\2f". Confer, [1, 2]. [1] https://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/5312.active-dire... [2] https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/adsi/ldap-dialect
Personally I understand [1] that escaping forward slash is only required when passing strings to ADSI and [2] is only about using ADSI.
I guess ADSI's LDAP client then sends non-escaped forward-slashes. I can't test it myself though.
Anyway you're allowed to apply correct escaping to any character in DNs (RFC 4514) or LDAP filters (RFC 4515) and this would also work with OpenLDAP.
Ciao, Michael.