Am Wed, 24 Nov 2010 08:59:05 -0300 schrieb Bruno Lamps
Hi everybody,
I spent some days reading the ebook "Ldap for rocket scientists" ( and I've succesfully (I think it's a success =3 ) created a VM with debian lenny and openldap running.
After that, I created another VM, running IPfire ( distro, this will be the firewall of the SMB I'm working for. Now I'm trying to authenticate the squid proxy, installed in IPFire distro, integrating it with my openldap server. A screenshot of my IPFire's webGUI and phpldapadmin webGUI can be seen at this topic:
But the authentication isn't running, the browser using squid proxy keeps asking me for username and password. Suspecting that the webGUI could be making some mistake in squid config file, I started editing it's parameters manually. Right now, the ldap authentication line in my squid.conf looks like this:
*auth_param basic program /usr/lib/squid/squid_ldap_auth -D "cn=admin,dc=pisolar" -w "mypassword" -b "ou=usuarios,dc=pisolar" -h -v 3*
*cn=admin,dc=pisolar *= my root user.
*ou=usuarios,dc=pisolar *= the OU where my users are stored.
I opened slapd in debug mode (slapd -d 255) in my openldap debian-powered VM, and this is the text shown when I try to authenticate in my browser:
=> bdb_dn2id("ou=usuarios,dc=pisolar") <= bdb_dn2id: got id=0xb => bdb_dn2id("uid=lamps,ou=usuarios,dc=pisolar") <= bdb_dn2id: got id=0x10 entry_decode: "uid=lamps,ou=usuarios,dc=pisolar" <= entry_decode(uid=lamps,ou=usuarios,dc=pisolar) => access_allowed: auth access to "uid=lamps,ou=usuarios,dc=pisolar" "userPassword" requested => acl_get: [1] attr userPassword => slap_access_allowed: result not in cache (userPassword) => acl_mask: access to entry "uid=lamps,ou=usuarios,dc=pisolar", attr "userPassword" requested => acl_mask: to value by "", (=0) <= check a_dn_pat: cn=admin,dc=pisolar <= check a_dn_pat: anonymous <= acl_mask: [2] applying none(=0) (stop) <= acl_mask: [2] mask: none(=0) => slap_access_allowed: auth access denied by none(=0)
check your access rules, as access to attribute usrPassword is denied, read the few lines above.
I tried to set a lot of different config syntaxes at squid.conf, but it always come to the same kind of problem at slapd debug: After reading the user CN and his password, slapd fails to read something else (ldap_read: want=8 error=Resource temporarily unavailable) and then it doesn't authenticates.
What I'm doing wrong? Is there any problem with my openldap server? With squid? =(
I think, both are misconfigured. The module squid_ldap_auth requires a parameter -u, in order to define the attribute type, which can be either uid or cn.