--On Friday, June 24, 2016 1:29 PM +0200 Bastian Tweddell b.tweddell@fz-juelich.de wrote:
Dear all,
I am used to run slapcat to create backups of the backend database _while_ slapd is running. Recently I migrated from bdb to mdb. Now I read that using slapcat on a running slapd is only safe for bdb and hdb backends [1].
You are confusing LDBM with LMDB. Two entirely different things. Slapcat is perfectly valid for back-mdb. The FAQ simply hasn't been updated in years. I.e., LMDB didn't even exist the last time it was updated.
Quanah Gibson-Mount Platform Architect Manager, Systems Team Zimbra, Inc. -------------------- Zimbra :: the leader in open source messaging and collaboration A division of Synacor, Inc