Have you tried adding a single "-" in a new line at the end of each entry before the blank newline? IIRC I have to do this when using ldapmodify commands in-line to indicate the end of a record and the beginning of a new one. Something like this:
dn: cn=blah,dc=domain objectClass: person ... cn: blah -
dn: cn=blah2,dc=domain ...
-Michael Proto
On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 12:35 PM, David Barr David.Barr2@mclaneat.comwrote:
I have one file that I need to use to import about 50 people, it doesn’t like the fact that I have more than one user in the file for some reason. I might have another 200 in the future and need to figure out why it isn’t working… Help please.
Is my syntax wrong? Did I place something in the wrong order or something more than once that isn’t needed.
I have included two users, all are the same except the actual username.
Help please.
dn: cn=New.user01,ou=People,dc=test,dc=com
uid: NEW.user01
givenName: NEW.user01
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
userPassword: NEW.user01
sn: NEW.user01
ou: People
cn: NEW.user01
objectClass: uidObject
objectClass: pwdPolicy
pwdAttribute: userPassword
objectClass: pwdPolicyChecker
pwdMinAge: 86400
pwdMaxAge: 7776002
pwdInHistory: 10
pwdCheckQuality: 2
pwdMinLength: 14
pwdExpireWarning: 432000
pwdGraceAuthNLimit: 0
pwdFailureCountInterval: 120
pwdAllowUserChange: TRUE
pwdCheckModule: Standard Policy
pwdLockout: FALSE
dn: cn=NEW.user02,ou=People,dc=test,dc=com
uid: NEW.user02
givenName: NEW.user02
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
userPassword: NEW.user02
sn: NEW.user02
ou: People
cn: NEW.user02
objectClass: uidObject
objectClass: pwdPolicy
pwdAttribute: userPassword
objectClass: pwdPolicyChecker
pwdMinAge: 86400
pwdMaxAge: 7776002
pwdInHistory: 10
pwdCheckQuality: 2
pwdMinLength: 14
pwdExpireWarning: 432000
pwdGraceAuthNLimit: 0
pwdFailureCountInterval: 120
pwdAllowUserChange: TRUE
pwdCheckModule: Standard Policy
pwdLockout: FALSE
ldapadd -v -d 1 -D "cn=Admin,dc=test,dc=com" -w test -f /tmp/T/.ldif
adding new entry cn=New.user01,ou=People,dc=test,dc=com
ldap_add: Type or value exists
ldap_add: additional info: objectClass: value #1021 provided more than once
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