On Thu, 10 Dec 2009 15:35:26 +0100, Peter Mogensen apm@mutex.dk wrote:
Jonathan Clarke wrote:
Is it possible to temporarily turn of mirroring of cn=config, so I can raise loglevels on server2 without the change being replicated to server1 and thus hanging the whole system ?
Of course. However, according to your description of this problem, it seems to be related to replication. So turning replication off will likely interfere with your examination of the problem.
Yes, but I planned to only turn replication of for cn=config, not for the data replication, which is where the problem with lost connections
Ah, yes. Just remove the olcSyncrepl attribute in the configuration entry for that database then. You could do this on either server, the change should be replicated over to the other (then replication stops, of course).