But still, even a simple bind fails because it somehow does not get the auth privileges defined in the first stanza.
now this is exciting:
Testing with slapacl shows that my ACLs are, in fact, alright. But still they do not match when asked. For example:
# slapacl -v -b cn=nslcd,dc=teckids,dc=org entry: =rscxd […]
This pretty much tells me: what you are alowed to do here is "read", right?
# slapacl -v -b cn=nslcd,dc=teckids,dc=org entry/read read access to entry: DENIED
Now this strikes me as odd… isn't it supposed to return success here?
That happens for each and every field in my directory…
For me this looks like a bug, but maybe I am doing somwthing entirely wrong?