chandan jain schrieb am 10.03.2021 um 09:46 in
Thanks Ulrich, but Won't MMR behind a loadbalancer cause data inconsistentcy if I allow writes to both nodes. As per openldap documentation, mirror mode is not a multi provider solution , as writes go to just one of the mirror at a time in a 2 node setup.
That's correct, but the replication starts practically immediately, so usually the data is up-to-date within a second if the other side is ready and reachable. After all LDAP was never designed to be a real-time database.
I am confused which one shall I use, N node mirror mode setup behind a load balancer as suggested by Quanah (write to one provider and read with other mirror pool members) or N nodes with multi provider setup spreading writes to both nodes.
A load-balancer that is not doing round-robin (but some other policy, like response time or throughput) probably would be OK.
Regards, Ulrich
Regards Chandan
On Wed, Mar 10, 2021, 13:29 Ulrich Windl wrote:
chandan jain schrieb am 09.03.2021 um 10:58
in Nachricht
Mirror mode configuration cannot be horizontal scaled what I understood
writes are going to one of the node, and other act as an active standby.
I want 2 or more nodes behind a load balancer which can share read/write load. A kind of active active setup.
I wonder: If you have a 2-node MMR setup fed through a loadbalancer for writing, it there really a performance benefit over sending all updates to one node that replicates the changes to the other?
Regards, Ulrich
Regards Chandan Jain
On Mon, Mar 8, 2021, 23:44 Quanah Gibson-Mount wrote:
--On Sunday, March 7, 2021 8:39 PM +0530 chandan jain wrote:
Thanks, Quanah
Is it possible to direct upgrade from 2.4.32 to latest version.
If you (temporarily) stick with the same backend, and in this case, if that same backend is linked to the exact same version of BDB, yes. I.e., compile the back-bdb/hdb backends against the same version of BDB, upgrade, and then migrate to back-mdb.
Also, can we horizontal scale a 2 node mirror mode setup? I am
after seeing suggestions on different sites.
I don't understand the question here. Mirror mode is just a
of MMR with a load balancer in front.
Quanah Gibson-Mount Product Architect Symas Corporation Packaged, certified, and supported LDAP solutions powered by OpenLDAP: