We have openldap version(-2.2.13-7.4E) installed as master and slave (on two different systems) with replication configured between them.
When we try to a ldapmodify on the slave it returns the following message
#ldapmodify -x -hlocalhost -p389 -v -D'cn=Directory Manager, o=del.com' -w dgtyrh -f a
ldap_initialize( ldap://localhost:389 ) replace CurrentVersion: 2.0.txt1 modifying entry "cn=options-server-tr,ou=App-test,o=del.com" modify complete ldap_modify: Referral (10) referrals: ldap://,ou=App-test,o=del.com
However the changes are not reflected.Browsing the internet,I found that ldapmodify doesn`t have the capability to chase referrals and but the openldap API allows to write clients that do the chasing. Is this statement valid for this version of openldap too?
Is chaining the other alernative for chasing referrals?
Cheers CG