Michael Ströder wrote:
Quanah Gibson-Mount wrote:
--On Wednesday, February 01, 2012 7:43 PM +0100 Michael Ströder michael@stroeder.com wrote:
If it is showing up twice for search results, then that would be a bug, but I can't quite tell what exactly it is you're reporting.
Yes, returning two entries with the same DN violates the data model. That's the issue. Or maybe Connection 0 should never appear at all?
But before writing an ITS I'd like to narrow down things to be able to reproduce the issue in a minimal test configuration.
Howard's recollection is they are syncrepl connections (which all non-syncrepl connections start at 1000 on the consumer). So I'd assume these systems are configured as syncrepl consumers.
It's a MMR setup with two nodes.
Definitely file an ITS on the result for connection0 showing twice.
Ok, I can see single "Connection 0" entry on a consumer in a single-master replication setup.
Now I've tried to come up with a simplified MMR setup to reproduce the monitor entry with DN cn=Connection 0,cn=Connections,cn=Monitor showing up twice. But still on both providers there's a single "Connection 0" entry.
So any more conditions under which such a "Connection 0" is used internally?
Ciao, Michael.