Hi, I'm new to OpenLDAP. Pulled down the current 2.6 release to a Debian target and am having trouble figuring out how to build the backend modules for dynamic use. What I did: 1. Downloaded openldap-2.6.0.tgz and extracted the source on my Debian target.
2. configured the 'build' via (output indicated it was successful) : ./configure --enable-sql=no --enable-wt=no --enable-spasswd=yes --enable-passwd=yes --enable-perl=yes --enable-crypt=yes --enable-ldap=yes --enable-slapd=yes --enable-ppolicy=yes --enable-otp=yes --enable-auditlog=yes --enable-modules=yes --with-cyrus-sasl=yes
3. ran 'make depend' (output indicated it was successful).
4. ran 'make' (output indicated it was successful).
5. ran the tests via 'env SLAPD_DEBUG=1 make test' (output indicated it was successful).
6. Installed it via 'su root -c 'make install'
I was able to pretty easily get the slapd server running, create a database (mdb) add users, etc, and access via a remote client.
Once I was able to do that I wanted to enable the ppolicy backend/overlay and have not been able to get this to work. Looking online it appears I need some 'backend' modules like back-mdb.la, ppolicy.la, etc and I cannot find them anywhere in my build tree. I had thought the --enable-xxx directives I used in the config step would have forced this to build them, but I guess not.
How do I create these dynamic backend modules and is there any documentation on how to use them in the newer dynamic configuration schema ?
I've attached a file with the output from the steps I performed above.
Thank you Burt
Burt Stampfl AMSC (NASDAQ: AMSC) W231 N2844 Roundy Circle Suite D, Pewaukee, WI 53072 USA Work: +1 262.901.6007 Mobile: +1 847.638.1792 burt.stampfl@amsc.commailto:burt.stampfl@amsc.com amsc.comhttp://www.amsc.com/
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