Jaap Winius jwinius@umrk.nl writes:
Hi all,
My latest test system includes a Kerberos server that uses OpenLDAP via IPC as its back-end database. It usually works, but not always. For example, recently, after failing to get kadmin to add a new principal to the Kerberos database, I found this error in the provider's syslog:
Feb 10 22:37:29 kls1 slapd[1722]: bdb_db_cache: db_open(entryUUID) failed: Too many open files (24) Feb 10 22:37:29 kls1 slapd[1722]: bdb_index_read: Could not open DB entryUUID Feb 10 22:37:29 kls1 slapd[1722]: conn=4 op=13 RESULT tag=105 err=80 text=index generation failed
A restart of the Kerberos KDC and admin servers seemed to solve the problem, but obviously that's not ideal. Later on, I had a look at the numbers of open files on the system:
What is the output of ulimit -Sn and ulimit -Hn ? If the output differs increase the value of -Sn to max. -Hn