Hello, My apologies if this is in the wrong place. I am getting ready to migrate from NIS to LDAP in our HPC clusters. I need to know how to disable a user account, that is not to delete it, but to temporarily disable it. My current GUI to access LDAP is Apache Directory Studio. I also have the standard command line commands, ldapmodify , etc. So I have been looking around in various places. I saw some videos on YouTube for adding users with Apache. I can do most of the tasks listed for Apache Directory Studio. However, I have not used command line other than to add, delete or modify users and searches, oh and create some lidf files. My past experiences with LDAP and IDM products are based around UNIX based systems and applications "Sun™ Java System Directory Server 5.x and 6.x" and "Sun™ Identity Manager". I have also used Active Directory on the Microsoft side. So I have a better than average understanding of things, I just need to know this specific task.
So if it is possible in OpenLDAP, to disable and enable users can anyone point me to a document or a YouTube Video or any information.
Thank you so much for your assistance, in advance.
Bill Branson Server Engineer II | Research Computing Center Medical College of Wisconsin 414-955-2475 | wbranson@mcw.edu