Good day,
Can anyone know how to update the ldap objects in ver 2.4.31.
I have an object:
* dn: cn=crit3,ou=criteria,o=n1,dc=nodomain* * objectClass: top* * objectClass: n1criterion* * cn: crit3* * n1asn: 1004* * n1cc: US* * n1fqdn:* * n1iprange: 4000,4004* * * *with def: * * attributetype ( * * NAME 'n1asn' * * DESC 'number Autonomous System' * * SUP cn * * )* * * * attributetype ( * * NAME 'n1cc' * * DESC 'country code' * * SUP cn * * )* * * * attributetype ( * * NAME 'n1fqdn' * * DESC 'domain' * * SUP cn * * )* * * * attributetype ( * * NAME 'n1iprange' * * DESC 'ip range' * * SUP cn * * )* * * * objectclass ( * * NAME 'n1criterion' * * DESC 'criterion' * * SUP top * * STRUCTURAL * * MUST cn * * MAY ( n1asn $ n1cc $ n1fqdn $ n1iprange ) * * )*
and I want to add another attribute, say n1yyy
* attributetype ( * * NAME 'n1yyy' * * DESC 'vvvv' * * SUP n1cc * * )* * * * objectclass ( * * NAME 'n1CNEWcollect' * * DESC 'cvcxvcxvxc' * * SUP n1criterion * * STRUCTURAL * * MAY n1yyy * * )*
So creating new atrubut, and class it uses, adding to the schema
I want to add to the object dn, a new class, or replace existing it gets the error:
* #!RESULT ERROR* * #!CONNECTION ldap://deb:389* * #!DATE 2013-10-23T10:14:34.751* * #!ERROR [LDAP: error code 69 - structural object class modification from 'n1criterion' to 'n1CNEWcollect' not allowed]* * dn: cn=crit3,ou=criteria,o=n1,dc=nodomain* * changetype: modify* * add: objectClass* * objectClass: n1CNEWcollect* * -* * * * #!RESULT ERROR* * #!CONNECTION ldap://deb:389* * #!DATE 2013-10-23T10:17:33.763* * #!ERROR [LDAP: error code 69 - structural object class modification from 'n1criterion' to 'n1CNEWcollect' not allowed]* * dn: cn=crit3,ou=criteria,o=n1,dc=nodomain* * changetype: modify* * add: n1yyy* * n1yyy: SS* * -* * add: objectClass* * objectClass: n1CNEWcollect* * -* * * * #!RESULT ERROR* * #!CONNECTION ldap://deb:389* * #!DATE 2013-10-23T10:18:15.412* * #!ERROR [LDAP: error code 69 - structural object class modification from 'n1criterion' to 'n1CNEWcollect' not allowed]* * dn: cn=crit3,ou=criteria,o=n1,dc=nodomain* * changetype: modify* * add: cn* * cn: dddd* * -* * add: objectClass* * objectClass: n1CNEWcollect*
The only thing that works is: -export facility to ldif -swapping of a new class (which inherits old) -Remove the item from the tree, -add the ldif (with swapped class)
Maybe I do not understand something, ask for help, how to expand objects