Am Mi., 16. März 2022 um 21:39 Uhr schrieb Quanah Gibson-Mount
--On Wednesday, March 16, 2022 10:23 PM +0100 Meike Stone wrote:
We are still using the bdb backend and the latest 2.4.59 (don't ask, it will be replaced soon) and I remember, a "few" years ago, I had problems with slapcat and online databases, because the server was stucking for a while and answers were delayed .. (The Admin Guide tells, that "Backups are managed slightly differently" ...) Secondly, while offline, I can copy the whole database directory including the transaction logs ..
Ah, ok. Yes, you could set up a read-only consumer node to take backups from. I'd highly prioritize moving to a supported release of OpenLDAP with the back-mdb backend as well (I see you say it should be replaced soon). :)
Oh my god, almost a year has passed - now finally our department wants to migrate to the latest version 2.5.14. I'm responsible for the Master LDAP-Server, but there are a few ro-replicas in other departments where I'm not responsible - and I have no access. Is it possible to migrate the master server to the new version and update the replicas (running 2.4.59) later, independent from the master (migration)? Are there any problems to be expected?
Regards and many thanks Meike