Ok..I implemented what you explained for testing purposes and found the following to be true:
If I use ssl start_tls with the ldap:// URL schema then my client connects to my LDAP server on port 389. If I use ssl on with ldaps://. then my client connects on port 636.
I think i remember reading somewhere that TLS could use either port so my question is when my client connects on 389 using ssl start_tls is the session encrypted? My other question would be why the two different means to the same end? Is it just a matter of which port you want to use?
From: daff@pseudoterminal.org To: openldap-technical@openldap.org Subject: Re: Strange behavior with TLS with self-signed certs Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2011 19:45:46 +0100
On Friday 07 January 2011 04:18:40 Michael Starling wrote:
#TLS settings ssl start_tls ssl on
That should be either "ssl start_tls" OR "ssl on", not both. If you specify "ssl start_tls" then you should use the ldap:// URL schema, if you specify "ssl on" then you should use ldaps://.