Hey guys,
I'm new in the forum and new in the LDAP world.
I have my environment set up and working fine so far.
I have a LDAP server and few other stations which autenticate in my server,
OK so far.
However, I have applications running exclusively with a special group,
let's say "SAS" and that's my problem.
Group SAS in MachineA is GID = 501 (/etc/groups)
Group SAS in MachineB is GID = 502 (/etc/groups)
(this was defined some time ago.. every computer has a different GID for
Group SAS)
UserA was created with GID = 501 in LDAP.
The problem is that when UserA authenticates in MachineB, he doesn't have a
group assigned.
I would like to know which direction I should go to make sure no matter
what computer the user authenticates, he'll get the right group assigned.
Tks in advance.
-Daniel Szortyka
Porto Alegre / RS / Brasil
SysAdm at IBOPE
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