--On Friday, September 27, 2013 4:09 PM -0500 espeake@oreillyauto.com wrote:
If I could get 2.4.35 or 2.4.36 to build a debian package as required by our company I would use a newer version. Every time I run the build it errors out in the config. So I have tried. I can't do just a build I have to be able to create the package for our puppet implementation.
If you are having problems with Debian's dpkg system, then I would advise contacting the debian folks etc about how to properly build dpkg's. That certainly is not an OpenLDAP specific issue. I would note that Debian's default packages for OpenLDAP have a lot of problems (like linking to GnuTLS instead of OpenSSL among other things).
So if you are just trying to "upgrade" what Debian already ships, that is a bad starting point. I would advise creating your own fresh .deb's that install into your own location, so as not to conflict with the system libraries.
Quanah Gibson-Mount Lead Engineer Zimbra Software, LLC -------------------- Zimbra :: the leader in open source messaging and collaboration