thanks, yes that seems to be what I need
Le 31/01/2013 18:49, a écrit :
If you're not looking for an academic discussion on the best way to organize your directory and just want a way to "make it work", read the man page for the dynamic list overlay. You should find it useful in accomplishing your goal.
-Jon C. Kidder American Electric Power Middleware Services 614-716-4970
*Benin Technologies* Sent by:
01/31/2013 01:34 AM
To cc
Subject server-side sub-search
Is it possible to do a server-side sub-search before returning the data to the client ? Let's say I have this tree :
---> dc=com | |-->dc=mycompany | | --> cn=Jane Doe |
|-- objectClass=inetOrgPerso |-- cn=Jane Doe |-- mobile : 11223344 | -->
cn=secretary |
|-- objectClass=organizationalRole |--cn=secretary |--telephoneNumber=12345678 |--roleOccupant=cn=Jane Doe,dc=mycompany,dc=com
I'd like to return, in a single search, something like :
cn : Jane Doe - mobile : 11223344 - telephoneNumber : 12345678
Can this be done ?