Karsten Heymann karsten.heymann@gmail.com schrieb am 14.11.2017 um 11:47 in
Nachricht CAL017hDRC7jxs2-xYk2g8qLguJw+gjTdUXvwk-UkyPXAKvgcAg@mail.gmail.com:
is there a more efficient way to count how many entries a ldap database has than
slapcat -b <suffix> | grep ^dn: | wc -l
Here olmBDBDNCache from cn=Database 1,cn=Databases,cn=Monitor seems to be close to the number (10762 vs. 10770).
I searched the cn=Monitor backend but it does not seem to export this number.
I want to have this for graphing and reporting and as a secondary data point that replication is working as intended.
BR Karsten