"Lehnert, Hartmut" Hartmut.Lehnert@secunet.com writes:
Hi all,
We encounter a problem using server-side sort and virtual list view controls in our search requests. After sending one search requests the slapd remains busy until it is restarted:
Executing the command
/home/openldap/openldap-2.4.21-install/bin/ldapsearch -h localhost -p 9389 -D cn=openldapadmin -w welcome -b o=CustomerCA,c=de -s children -E!sss=sncertnr -E!vlv="0/0/1/0" "objectclass=*"
Are you sure your server supports feature Me think the -E parameters are wrong. At least this works for me: ldapsearch -Y DIGEST-MD5 -U dieter -w xxx -H ldap://localhost:9004 -b ou=benchmark,o=avci,c=de -s one -E'vlv=0/9/0/1:objectclass=inetorgperson' -E'!sss=sn:'
Generates the following output:
result: 4 Size limit exceeded
# numResponses: 1
Why is the size limit exceeded here?
Because you have not set sizelimit to unlimited