On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 02:57:16PM +0100, Hallvard B Furuseth wrote:
Andrew Findlay writes:
(1): The latest LDAP spec introduced pwprep to solve this problem,
I meant SASLprep - RFC4013
but hardly anything implements it yet. It will be many years before you can depend on common LDAP clients doing itproperly.
It's not just a client-side issue. Most sites store a password hash in their server rather than the cleartext password. That means the client needs to encode password with the same character encoding and preparation as whatever hashed the server-side password. (E.g. the
Ideally password hashing should always be done by the server to avoid risks like that. It is not always possible though :-(
/etc/passwd program.) Or the server needs to prepare cleartext passwords it receives from the client the same way, but it's likely a bad idea for the server to e.g. assume client passwords are latin-1 and convert to UTF-8.
A very bad idea indeed! The server has no way to know what character set the client is using. That is why SASLprep has to be applied at the client end.