This is an important note to those who run OpenLDAP slapd based on openSUSE or SLE packages, especially Tumbleweed:
If you're still using OpenLDAP 2.4 or earlier with back-bdb or back-hdb then migrate to back-mdb now because OpenLDAP 2.5 packages won't support these backends anymore!
I'm writing as a package maintainer who only updates package "openldap2" in openSUSE Factory/Tumbleweed. I have no official role in openSUSE project nor SUSE.
As you might already know OpenLDAP 2.5 builds by default have no more support for backends back-hdb and back-bdb based on Berkeley-DB. Furthermore using Berkeley-DB in general is deprecated.
I've received a request to update the openSUSE package "openldap2" and its sub-packages to OpenLDAP release 2.5.7 also removing back-bdb and back-hdb [1]. I'd love to accept this update request really soon because I also want to have the new features in libldap. So the update will hit openSUSE Tumbleweed really soon.
While this change will *not* affect your deployments based on packages from SLE or openSUSE Leap 15.3 or earlier you should prepare your installation for possible future updates by migrating to back-mdb now.
And always use slapcat to backup your database(s) and practice restoring your databases to be prepared for any desaster.
Ciao, Michael.