thanks, but I'm surprised, I don't see the bindDN and password in the parameter list of the perl subs
for example, in, if I do
sub search { print "@_"; .....
I get : 1st parameter : SampleLDAP=HASH(0x8657f80) 2nd : the base DN 3rd : the search scope 4th : deref and so on...
no sign of the bindDN and password
what did I miss ?
Le 15/05/2013 14:46, Howard Chu a écrit :
Benin Technologies wrote:
I needed to access from an LDAP client (Outlook or Thunderbird) some data stored in several locations (an OpenLDAP server with back-hdb, and a PostgreSQL database).
I wrote a perl script used with back-perl, and everything works fine. The client queries that back-perl server, wich in turn retrieves data both from the back-hdb server and the PostgreSQL server, does some formatting on it, and returns it to the client
It works fine, except that I have to use a standard bindDN/password from the perl script to access the back-hdb server, because I don't know how to retrieve in that perl script the initial bindDN/password (the credentials provided initially by the client).
I guess there is a way to do it, because I found some links like where people seem to have been able to get the bindDN and password provided by the client, but they didn't say how and I couldn't figure it out.
Does anybody know if it's possible to get, within the perl script, the bindDN/password provided by the client ?
The DN is the same as for all the other operations - it's the first parameter. The password is the 2nd parameter. How else would you expect it to be passed?