Hello, when I try to add a new scheme in the existing LDAP like this. I get the following error message:
"root@dsme01:~# slapadd -v -l /tmp/ldapconvert/evolutionperson.ldif slapadd: line 1: database #1 (dc=example,dc=com) not configured to hold "cn=evolutionperson,cn=schema,cn=config"; did you mean to use database #0 (cn=config)? _#################### 100.00% eta none elapsed none fast!"
Before, I created the evolutionperson.schema including all schemas as follows:
"slapcat -f /tmp/ldapconvert/ldap.conf -F /tmp/ldapconvert -n0 -s "cn={19}evolutionperson,cn=schema,cn=config" > /tmp/ldapconvert/evolutionperson.ldif"
The created file was adapted accordingly and only tried to add it as described above.
Do I have to delete the entire LDAP database and recreate it and then reload the user-specific part? I would appreciate your support.
Greetings from Stefan Harbich