--On Friday, September 15, 2017 7:57 PM +0200 Michael Ströder michael@stroeder.com wrote:
I strongly disagree. It's a schema shipped by OpenLDAP installation. So this update should have simply worked.
Since the schema is stored in the cn=config DB, there's not an option to replace the ppolicy LDIF in cn=config on upgrade. It has to be scripted.
I did test the update with my own installations. But they simply use slapd.conf. And it worked. ;-}
This would imply you updated the schema files at the same time. If you kept the 2.4.40 ppolicy.schema file with your new configuration, it would not have "simply" worked. Your comparison is not analagous.
Quanah Gibson-Mount Product Architect Symas Corporation Packaged, certified, and supported LDAP solutions powered by OpenLDAP: http://www.symas.com