On Mon, 2014-03-17 at 08:30 -0400, Borresen, John - 0442 - MITLL wrote:
We had a similar issue a few months back. I discovered that it was dying at about the same time. Come to find out it was syslog rotation that was doing it. Syslog sends a HUP signal to rotate the logs and restart a daemon. I had to put a sleep statement in the syslog for slapd.
Your syslog rotates logs? On our host (RedHat) it's logrotate which does that. And it's logrotate which must kill -HUP syslogd, to make syslogd close and reopen the log. From logrotate.conf:
notifempty missingok create 0640 ldap cerebrum start 0
/ldap/log/syslog/openldap.log { size=250M rotate 2500 compress delaycompress lastaction /bin/kill -s HUP syslogd endscript }