Hello Team,
I have an issue with OpenLDAP TLS based replication
Getting below error slap_client_connect: URI=ldap://gb0135embldap01.emb.slb.com Error, ldap_start_tls failed (-11) Sep 13 16:13:34 ae0043app05 slapd[2582]: do_syncrepl: rid=365 rc -11 retrying
I have openLDAP in Ubuntu 9.04 version 2.4.19 then I thought to updgrade it and first I upgraded on my consumer openldap server which I migrated to Ubuntu 12.04 and version 2.4.28.
I have created the certificate for my consumer from existing server. but when I go for TLS based replication, the database is not syncing and it is synching when remove starttls=no
Any idea why this is causing
Thanks & Regards, Arun Sasi Venmalassery ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sr. Engineer - Server Management (UNIX), Wipro Ltd (Dubai) |Mob: +971 566489491 | E: arun.sasi1@wipro.commailto:koresh.dash@wipro.com
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