On Sun, Feb 16, 2025 at 03:44:47PM -0000, mbalakri@opentext.com wrote:
We have multimaster replication in place, and sync replication is working. However, we have noticed some glue values for certain entries. What could be the reason for these glue entries, and how can we avoid them?
This is a sample entry wit glue values for objectClass and structuralObjectClass attribtues. Please suggest how to avoid these glue values.
dn: cn=organizational users,o=test,cn=test,cn=acd,o=in.bbn.ac objectClass: glue
Hi, either replication is not configured as intended (are you sure the ACLs allow full read access to the DIT between the providers?) or the entry doesn't exist but the DB contains its children so a "fake" (glue) entry had to be created to connect the children to the tree.