yes, but how can I modify the configuration now?I can add users for instance, but I can't modify cn=config! ldapadd -v -x -D 'cn=admin,dc=domain,dc=com' -W -f sasl-config.ldif modifying entry "cn=config"ldap_modify: Insufficient access (50) Thanks.
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2013 17:46:19 -0800 From: To:; Subject: Re: modifying cn=config - Invalid credentials (49)
--On Wednesday, February 20, 2013 10:41 AM +1100 Asmaa Ahmed wrote:
I am trying to modify cn=config, but I don't understand why It doesn't work any more.
root@auth-dev:/etc/ldap# ldapsearch -v -x -D 'cn=admin,cn=config' -W
It looks like you have configured your cn=config DB to use SASL/EXTERNAL auth, with mapping from the root user to the rootdn. However, your ldapsearch command is not using SASL/EXTERNAL. This would explain the error.
Quanah Gibson-Mount Sr. Member of Technical Staff Zimbra, Inc A Division of VMware, Inc.
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