Quanah Gibson-Mount quanah@symas.com schrieb am 29.10.2018 um 17:03 in
Nachricht <F73964C4E931CAA3C41163BE@[]>:
--On Monday, October 29, 2018 9:03 AM +0100 Ulrich Windl Ulrich.Windl@rz.uni-regensburg.de wrote:
Yes, you are right, regarding the docs, but still I wonder, why all the different URIs for a multi-homed LDAP-server should not use the same ID: If the ID designates the database where the data came from, that would make sense. Forcing different server IDs for every interface the server uses does not make that much sense to me.
That's not how things work and that is not what the documentation is saying. You specify only a single serverID and URI *per server* not per URI that the server uses.
I don't quite understand (replicated cn=config for MMR): Assume a server has two IP addresses and names n1.d.o, n2.d.o associated with it. So the olcServerID: 1 ldap://n1.d.o:389 olcServerID: 1 ldap://n2.d.o:389 ...other servers... is illegal. How would the correct statement look like? How would it look like if I also include ldaps: URIs?
" Non‑zero IDs are required when using multimaster replication and each master must have a unique non‑zero ID."
Note the words "must have" and "unique".
Yes, that's the specification, but does it really make sense?
Regards, Ulrich