Hi to all,
I'm still testing TOPT with OpenLDAP 2.5. I got TOTP1 running. So a user with an OTP can use the six-digit number from googleauthenticator (or freeOTP+) to authenticate while using ldapsearch. Then I switch to TOTP1ANDPW I generate a secretkey for the TOTP-part of userPassword. Then I create a password with "slappasswd" and put both TOTP1|password together in userPassword after decoding base64 I saw what I expected: ------------ dn: cn=u1,ou=users,dc=example,dc=net objectClass: posixAccount objectClass: inetOrgPerson objectClass: organizationalPerson objectClass: person objectClass: autoCAuser loginShell: /bin/bash homeDirectory: /home/u1 uid: u1 uidNumber: 10010 gidNumber: 10000 sn: u givenName: 1 cn: u1 userPassword:: e1RPVFAxQU5EUFd9TUpBVk1UM0tNUlVXSVNDUEtKWEhJWVNaR1kzRE80Q0x8e1N TSEF9RWlCcVIwUGR4SUluMSswZTNqRSs1MXlwb1p6dTFKVUc= ------------------
I then try to authenticate using ldapsearch with: 123456secret where 123456 is the six-digit key from googleauthenticator and "secret" is the password. But I always got an error 49 :-( I read this to set up the password: https://git.openldap.org/ondra/openldap/-/tree/dfe1f6494d69a885477e854944a6a...
Any hint? Anyone who got this running?
I wrote a little bash-script to generate the shared-key, the password and write it into the users object:
THIS SCRIPT IS FOR TESTING PURPOSE ONLY! ----------------------------- #!/bin/bash
########################################## # This script requires an OpenLDAP 2.5.x # # with the overlay pw-totp and autoca # # active and configured! # ##########################################
# This script generats a TOTP1ANDPW password for a user # the script needs the full DN of the user # and an email address for the user. # The script will NOT check if the email address is valide # Ther will be a random string generated for the user # the user do not need the string. The string is only # to generate the sharedkey for the user. # At the end you will see the sharedkey, the user can enter # in an authenticator app like googleauthentiicator or freeOTP # and a png-file will be created with the QR-code for the sharedkey # # The script can be used via network or local only via the ldapi-socket
if [ $# -ne 2 ] then echo "User-DN and User-Mail is needed" echo "usage: $0 userdn user@mail" exit 1 fi
USER_DN=$1 USER_MAIL=$2 LDAP_SERVER=ldap://ldap25-p01.example.net USE_LDAPI=1 # set to "0" if userlogin is prefered USE_TLS=1 # if TLS should not be used set to "0" #LDAP_ADMIN="uid=ldap-admin,ou=users,dc=example,dc=net" LDAP_ADMIN="cn=admin,dc=example,dc=net" LDAP_ADMIN_PW="secret" TOPT_ISSUER=stka USER_PW_TOTP_BASE64="" USER_NAME="" USER_SHARED_KEY="" QR_TEXT="" USER_PASSWORD=""
# Setting the varaible to use TLS if selected if [ "$USE_TLS" -eq 1 ] then ACTIVATE_TLS="-ZZ" else ACTIVATE_TLS="" fi
if [ ! -f "/usr/bin/qrencode" ] then echo "qrencode is not installed!" exit 2 fi
#First part of DN is USER_MANE USER_NAME=$(echo "$USER_DN" | cut -d "," -f 1)
# Let's get shure that there is exactly one user present in database if [ $USE_LDAPI -eq 1 ] then USER_DN_IN_DB=$(ldapsearch -Q -Y EXTERNAL -LLL -H ldapi:/// $USER_NAME dn 2>/dev/null | cut -d " " -f 2) else USER_DN_IN_DB=$(ldapsearch -xLLL "$ACTIVATE_TLS" -D "$LDAP_ADMIN" -w "$LDAP_ADMIN_PW" -H "$LDAP_SERVER" "$USER_NAME" dn 2>/dev/null | cut -d " " -f 2) fi
if [ "${USER_DN,,}" != "${USER_DN_IN_DB,,}" ] then echo "User $USER_DN not found in database" exit 3 fi
#Create random 20 byte string: 160 bit is recommended (min 128 bit) USER_PW=$(tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 </dev/urandom | head -c 20 ; echo '')
#Create the password for 2fa USER_PASSWORD=$(slappasswd)
#Set user password if [ $USE_LDAPI -eq 1 ] then ldappasswd -Q -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -s "${USER_PW}|${USER_PASSWORD}" "$USER_DN" else ldappasswd -x "$ACTIVATE_TLS" -D "$LDAP_ADMIN" -w "$LDAP_ADMIN_PW" -s "${USER_PW}|${USER_PASSWORD}" "$USER_DN" fi
#Read user password from LDAP in TOTP1-format if [ $USE_LDAPI -eq 1 ] then PW_STEP_1=$(ldapsearch -Q -Y EXTERNAL -LLL -H ldapi:/// "$USER_NAME" userpassword | grep -A1 userPassword) USER_PW_TOTP_BASE64=$(echo $PW_STEP_1 | awk '{print $2 $3}') else USER_PW_TOTP_BASE64=$(ldapsearch -x "$ACTIVATE_TLS" -D "$LDAP_ADMIN" -w "$LDAP_ADMIN_PW" -LLL -H "$LDAP_SERVER" "$USER_NAME" userpassword | grep userPassword | cut -d " " -f 2 | cut -d '|' -f 1) fi
#Create user shared key USER_SHARED_KEY=$(echo $USER_PW_TOTP_BASE64 | base64 -d)
#cut the password hash type from shared key USER_SHARED_KEY=$(echo $USER_SHARED_KEY | cut -d "|" -f 1 | cut -d "}" -f 2)
#Create the QR-text for the user QR_TEXT="otpauth://totp/$LDAP_SERVER:$USER_MAIL?secret=${USER_SHARED_KEY}a&issuer=${TOTP_ISSUER}&period=30&digits=6&algorithm=SHA1"
#Generate the QR-code echo $QR_TEXT | qrencode -s9 -o ${USER_MAIL}.png
echo "Shared key for User $USER_DN is $USER_SHARED_KEY" echo "You find the QR-code in file ${USER_MAIL}.png"