mario ramirez cervera writes:
Hello again:
I copied the certificates in slapd.con: TLSCipherSuite HIGH: MEDIUM: + sslv2: RSA TLSCACertificateFile / etc / ldap / slapd-certs / cacert.pem TLSCertificateFile / etc / ldap / slapd-certs / servercrt.pem TLSCertificateKeyFile / etc / ldap / slapd-certs / serverkey.pem
and also writes:
SLAPD_SERVICES = "ldap: / / / LDAPS :///"
This is not a slapd.conf parameter
And start giving me the following error: root @ mario-desktop: / etc / gulCA # / etc / init.d / slapd start Starting OpenLDAP: slapd - failed.
your slapd.conf is not in conformance with man slapd.conf(5). In particular wrong module name, rootdn missing and a few other parameters. Run slapd in debugging modus, that is slapd -d <mode>