This is the default file that rhel/centos have in their slapd.d dir for the database. I thought I would just remove this one and place the one for mdb, seems to work, don't know about this entryUUID? Or can I do this with ldapmodify?
[@53386e4b0025 cn=config]# cat /tmp/olcDatabase={2}hdb.ldif # AUTO-GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT!! Use ldapmodify. # CRC32 4f2ac1fc dn: olcDatabase={2}hdb objectClass: olcDatabaseConfig objectClass: olcHdbConfig olcDatabase: {2}hdb olcDbDirectory: /var/lib/ldap olcSuffix: dc=my-domain,dc=com olcRootDN: cn=Manager,dc=my-domain,dc=com olcDbIndex: objectClass eq,pres olcDbIndex: ou,cn,mail,surname,givenname eq,pres,sub structuralObjectClass: olcHdbConfig entryUUID: 537b0adc-5476-1039-9bf9-1dc025e1859d creatorsName: cn=config createTimestamp: 20190816133433Z entryCSN: 20190816133433.095410Z#000000#000#000000 modifiersName: cn=config modifyTimestamp: 20190816133433Z
[@53386e4b0025 cn=config]# cat olcDatabase={2}mdb.ldif # AUTO-GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT!! Use ldapmodify. # CRC32 b6a274bd dn: olcDatabase={2}mdb objectClass: olcDatabaseConfig objectClass: olcMdbConfig olcDatabase: {2}mdb olcDbDirectory: /var/lib/ldap olcSuffix: dc=my-domain,dc=com olcRootDN: cn=Manager,dc=my-domain,dc=com olcDbIndex: objectClass eq,pres olcDbIndex: ou,cn,mail,surname,givenname eq,pres,sub structuralObjectClass: olcMdbConfig entryUUID: 537b0adc-5476-1039-9bf9-1dc025e1859d creatorsName: cn=config createTimestamp: 20190816133433Z entryCSN: 20190816133433.095410Z#000000#000#000000 modifiersName: cn=config modifyTimestamp: 20190816133433Z