Echedey Lorenzo writes:
Nice tricks,
I have specified an index for my filter search. Populating entries again to take care of it.
Regarding shm_key, I have a couple of silly questions:
- I should create a shared memory region. Could you please point me in the right direction? I've been googling but found nothing
regarding creating it and OpenLDAP
just add 'shm_Key 3', or any other numeric value, to the database part of slapd.conf
- I am afraid not all the database will fit in a shared memory region. The machine has 16GB RAM and I think all the entries would be
about ~22GB. What may happend if it comes to grow and surpass the limit?
Hm, if, as a rule of thumb, the size of the files id2entry, dn2id plus <index>.bdb exceed 14GB than you either have to increase memory or to refrain from shared memory.