About my last e-mail...
I noticed that problem occurs when there is a head piped with the slapcat.
I replaced:
slapcat -d0 -c | head -n1 | awk -F "dn: " '{print $2}'
slapcat -d0 -a "objectClass=dcObject" | grep ^dn | awk '{print $2}'
And error disappeared.
Thank you. Kind Regards.
Dario Garcia Díaz-Miguel GGCS-SES Unit GGCS SKMF Infrastructure Division GMV C\ de Isaac Newton, 11 28760, Tres Cantos, Madrid España +34 918 07 21 00 +34 918 07 21 99 www.gmv.com
-----Mensaje original----- De: Dario García Díaz-Miguel Enviado el: martes, 29 de septiembre de 2020 7:45 Para: 'openldap-technical@openldap.org' openldap-technical@openldap.org Asunto: What does "slapcat: error writing output" means?
Hello everyone,
I couldn't find an answer or explanation about this error, so I hope somebody could help me over here. I use slapcat with head, grep and awk to retrieve some information and store it into a variable for a shell/bash script.
Whenever I use slapcat, the output prompts the following error: - slapcat: error writing output.
However, the information looked for is correctly retrieved.
What's the reason behind this message? Is there a way to address it or at least, ignore it and hiding it? I can't just redirect that output to /dev/null.
Version: Openldap2-2.4.41-18.43.1 Suse 12 SP3
Thank you so much. Kind Regards.
Dario Garcia Díaz-Miguel GGCS-SES Unit GGCS SKMF Infrastructure Division GMV C\ de Isaac Newton, 11 28760, Tres Cantos, Madrid España +34 918 07 21 00 +34 918 07 21 99 www.gmv.com
P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.