On Tue, May 18 2021 at 11:28:16 +0300, Nick Milas scribbled in "Re: Updating schema in cn=config":
On 18/5/2021 1:55 π.μ., Michael Ströder wrote:
Missing space after SUBSTR?
On 18/5/2021 1:57 π.μ., Howard Chu wrote:
Yes, but there is only one attribute value #2 in the attribute. Pay attention to what the error message tells you.
You were both right, thank you.
Turns out that all trailing spaces of the copied (and inserted) ldif sections were cut off (obviously during the copy process), so I had to manually add them in wrapped lines which happened to be wrapped at a space character... Tricky.
For this sort of round-trip editing (if you don't have a GUI tool available, as suggested by Michael), you can add `-o ldif-wrap=no` to many of the openldap tools -- like `ldapsearch` or `slapcat` -- which prevents the output being wrapped like this.