Eivind Olsen wrote:
53ac30ff slapd starting 53ac30ff slap_client_connect: URI=ldap://ldap01-testing.aminor.no DN="cn=replicator,ou=admins,ou=internal,o=aminor" ldap_sasl_bind_s failed (49) 53ac30ff do_syncrepl: rid=005 rc 49 retrying (4 retries left)
49 is "invalidCredentials".
Likely either one of the following reasons are causing this: - entry cn=replicator,ou=admins,ou=internal,o=aminor does not exist - the password is wrong - some ACLs reject authentication
(this was seen on the node ldap02-testing.aminor.no.
Try from ldap02-testing.aminor.no:
ldapwhoami -H ldap://ldap01-testing.aminor.no -x \ -D "cn=replicator,ou=admins,ou=internal,o=aminor" -w <password>
For further questions you should post your config.
Ciao, Michael.