coma wrote:
My problem is that cn=config is replicated on all servers, including TLSCertificateFile and TLSCertificateKeyFile... therefore the replication obviously not working (the certificate and key path of the first server are replicated on the second server).
I know there is some solutions to workaround this "issue", like:
- Don't replicate cn=config
- Use the same certificate and key for all servers
- Use the same certificate and key path in cn=config (ex:
/etc/openldap/cert/common_cert_name.pem and /etc/openldap/cert/common_cert_name.key) and then make symlinks to the correct files on the local server
..or directly place the correct files to the same certificate and key path.
Yes, that's what ansible/puppet/chef/name-your-favourite-config-management-tool is for.
Ciao, Michael.