Am Wed, 8 Aug 2018 15:19:23 +0200 schrieb Arianna Milazzo
Ok, I understand that it isn't supported, but at the moment I can't try other solutions. And since that aside from that filter, the rest works, I don't want to give up like that.
Infact if I look for the following values (then on the groups) Search base: cn=groupname,ou=group,dc=pigreco,dc=it Filter: (member=cn=Name Surname,ou=people,dc=pigreco,dc=it) I get if Name Surname is part of the groupname group
If I search Search base: dc=pigreco,dc=it Filter: (member=cn=Name Surname,ou=people,dc=pigreco,dc=it) I get the list of which groups Name Surname belongs
*But with this (then on the people)* Search base: dc=pigreco,dc=it Filter: (memberOf=cn=groupname,ou=group,dc=pigreco,dc=it)
*I have no result and in the log I read:get_ava: illegal value for attributeType memberof*
please note that memberOf attributetype is defined as:
( 1.2.840.113556.1.2.102 " "NAME 'memberOf' " "DESC 'Group that the entry belongs to' " "SYNTAX '' " "EQUALITY distinguishedNameMatch " "USAGE dSAOperation " "NO-USER-MODIFICATION " ) do you have defined any table for this sort of operational attributes.