Emmanuel Lesouef wrote:
rwm-rewriteRule "(.+)2C(.+)" "$1,$2" [..] dn: cn=DUPONT, Harry, ou=DSI, ou=ad, dc=authentification,dc=crbn
I'm pretty sure you should fix your rwm-rewriteRule directive.
distinguishedName: cn=DUPONT\2C Harry,ou=DSI,ou=ad,dc=authentification,dc=crbn
^^^ This also shows that the hex-escaped form if even needed is also made up by the backslash which is missing in your rwm-rewriteRule. Anyway I'd rather try something like first:
rwm-rewriteRule "(([^,]+),([^,]+)" "$1,$2"
But I don't have the spare time testing it for you.
Ciao, Michael.