Hello to everybody,
I need an help...
I have an Antivirus Server (Appliance) that performs requests to Active Directory. I don't have installed Active Directory but I have installed Open Ldap 2.3, so I have to convert the request from Active Directory format to Open Ldap format. In other words I have to create a Proxy.
E.g. The structure where to take the data has this form:
# extended LDIF # # LDAPv3 # base <dc=unina,dc=it> with scope subtree # filter: uid=rciotola # requesting: ALL #
# xxxx yyyy (xxxx.yyyy@unina.it), CSI - CENTRO DI ATENEO PER I SERVIZI INFORMATIVI (295550), ALTRA STRUTTURA (100000), PersonaleT.A., istituzionali , unina.it dn: cn=xxxy yyyy (xxxx.yyyy@unina.it),ou=CSI - CENTRO DI ATENEO PER I SE RVIZI INFORMATIVI (295550),ou=ALTRA STRUTTURA (100000),ou=PersonaleT.A.,ou=is tituzionali,dc=unina,dc=it businessCategory: N employeeType: PersonaleTA mailLocalAddress: xxxx.yyyy@unina.it givenName: xxxx objectClass: inetOrgPerson objectClass: inetLocalMailRecipient objectClass: posixAccount objectClass: shadowAccount mailRoutingAddress: xxxx.yyyy@unina.it ou:: Y2lvdG9sYSByYWZmYWVsZSAocmNpb3RvbGFAdW5pbmEuaXQpIA== departmentNumber: CODICEFISCALE uid: xxxx.yyyy mail: xxxx.yyyy@unina.it mail: matzzzzz@unina.it mail: otheralias@unina.it mail: otheralias2@unina.it uidNumber: nnnnn cn:: Y2lvdG9sYSByYWZmYWVsZSAocmNpb3RvbGFAdW5pbmEuaXQpIA== physicalDeliveryOfficeName: 295550 physicalDeliveryOfficeName: CSI - CENTRO DI ATENEO PER I SERVIZI INFORMATIVI loginShell: /bin/false gidNumber: 100 employeeNumber: zzzzzz homeDirectory: /home/xxxx.yyyy sn: yyyy title: Personale tecnico amm.vo
# search result search: 2 result: 0 Success
# numResponses: 2 # numEntries: 1
These data should be tranformed in Active Directory format and should have the fields sAMAccountName, mail, group and ProxyAddresses; both that concerns data and authentication.
I hope that you can help me...