On Friday, 23 December 2011 11:05:17 Selcuk Yazar wrote:
My problem is about Redhat :(
OpenLDAP supports a new configuration method. It seems you haven't read any documentation about it.
RHEL6 defaults to using this configuration method, but you don't *have* to use it.
if I wantto apply slapd.conf changes, i must run
/bin/rm -rf /etc/openldap/slapd.d/*
If at this point you restart slapd, it will just use slapd.conf ...
/usr/sbin/slaptest -f /etc/openldap/slapd.conf -F /etc/openldap/slapd.d
But this step is supposed to be a one-time conversion, assuming you have a 'database config' statement, which has a 'rootpw' option, you should be able to edit your configuration and have changes applied immediately, without restarting slapd, by using e.g. ldapmodify (or any GUI tool) by modifying the entries under cn=config.
Please at least read 'man slapd-config' rather than continuing. Either edit slapd.conf, and don't use cn=config, or only use cn=config, and never edit configuration files.
Regards, Buchan