Duncan Gibb wrote:
Michael Ströder wrote:
DG> Try our set of 2.4.11 packages for RHEL4/CentOS4:
MS> One should use 2.4.16 if multi-master replication is needed.
We have 2.4.16 for Debian/amd64, but not RHEL/i386. One generally builds packages for which one's customers have immediate need ;-)
To stress the term "customers' immediate need" in this particular case:
The original subject was "OpenLDAP 2.1 High Availability". IIRC the original poster wanted to use multi-master replication (MMR). So given the various MMR-related fixes *after* 2.4.11 it's wrong to point him to a 2.4.11 build because he might raise issues here which are already solved.
Ciao, Michael.