Thanks you. Can you tell me what is the configuration file and the voice to update? I'm new with openldap
Il 14/07/2022 21:12 Quanah Gibson-Mount ha scritto:
--On Thursday, July 14, 2022 10:01 PM +0200 Luca Stancapiano wrote:
Thanks for your response.
I tried several form of inetOrgPerson and inetOrgPerson . So I suppose it is not configured. Sorry but I'm new with openldap, so the question is:
1- How I see if inetOrgPerson is configred?
Two quick options:
- You can query the cn=subschema entry with ldapsearch
- You can examine the server configuration
You probably want to go with 2, since if it isn't there you will need to update the server configuration.
2 - How I configure it to support the mail field?
inetorgperson already supports the mail attribute.
Regards, Quanah