On Fri, 26 Jul 2013, espeake@oreillyauto.com wrote:
Trying a different method of replication to suit or need and I set up two test servers for n-way master mirroring servers. Both servers have the same configuration being fed to them through puppet. In the logs I can see them bind and check cookies but I get CSN too old, ignoring 20110608165005.984980Z#000000#000#000000 (olcOverlay= {4}syncprov,olcDatabase={1}hdb,cn=config) THen the last slapd entry in the log is rid=002 cookie=rid=002,sid=002,csn=20110915141524.047299Z#000000#000#000000 and then nothing else happens. If I make a change to user it never syncs to the other server.
At this point I don't know what to look at or what you might want to look at to help diagnose the problem. I followed the documentation in the admin guide to set this up.
Any and all help is appreciated.
1. You are using an ancient openldap version 2.4.28 compiled by your distribution. Please start by updating to a current 2.4.35 build from sources.
2. You say both servers have the same configuration through puppet ? I see you are using cn=config. How are you distributing this configuration. You should not write any files to slapd.d via puppet or other means. Use slapcat/slapadd -n0 to export and import configurations.
Greetings Christian