--On Tuesday, January 4, 2022 8:56 PM +0000 David White dmwhite823@protonmail.com wrote:
Next question, and if this is veering off topic, or there is documentation somewhere that I haven't found yet, I can try to go that route.
I have most of my cn=config rebuilt on Symas v2.6 that was originally in Ubuntu v2.4, but for some reason, slapcat can't see it (I assumed that cn=config would be represented with `-n 0`). Slapcat can only see my "real" database (which is represented with '-n 1`). My permissions are still a little bit wonky though, because right now (on v2.6), every time I run ldapsearch to get something out of the `cn=config` database, I have to specify the following parameters for it to work: `-W -D "cn=config"
I've no idea what you've done, so really hard to say. I don't know what parameters your slapd is running with, if it's even using a cn=config db with the new binaries, etc.
Quanah Gibson-Mount Product Architect Symas Corporation Packaged, certified, and supported LDAP solutions powered by OpenLDAP: http://www.symas.com