I use ldaps . Will I be able to set up authentication using the SSH public key ? I use LDAP account Manager (https://www.ldap-account-manager.org/lamcms/) Here https://www.ldap-account-manager.org/static/doc/manual/ch04s02.html now You can manage your public keys for SSH in Lam if you have installed the LPK patch for SSH or configured AUTHORIZEDKEYSCOMMAND& What does OR mean ? Google says that i need to download the scheme for SSH keys and add the script to AUTHORIZEDKEYSCOMMAND. But in https://code.google.com/archive/p/openssh-lpk/wikis/Main.wiki written To use lpk you must either use standard ldap (not recommended) or LDAP + TLS. ldaps:// URLs will not work. So in the end ssh key +LDAPS will not work ? Or is there a way to use ssh key +LDAPS ?