Am Mi., 16. März 2022 um 21:39 Uhr schrieb Quanah Gibson-Mount
--On Wednesday, March 16, 2022 10:23 PM +0100 Meike Stone wrote:
We are still using the bdb backend and the latest 2.4.59 (don't ask, it will be replaced soon) and I remember, a "few" years ago, I had problems with slapcat and online databases, because the server was stucking for a while and answers were delayed .. (The Admin Guide tells, that "Backups are managed slightly differently" ...) Secondly, while offline, I can copy the whole database directory including the transaction logs ..
Ah, ok. Yes, you could set up a read-only consumer node to take backups from. I'd highly prioritize moving to a supported release of OpenLDAP with the back-mdb backend as well (I see you say it should be replaced soon). :)
Quanah, thanks for guiding me! Meike